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Gymnastics course, Gymnastics Program Bogota, estimulacion temprana

This is a sport developing discipline, concentration, security and self confidence.

From 6 Years and more.

Generalities and our methodology.


We structure our methodology according to the new standards published by the United States Gymnastics Association USAG ( We work with 4 basic levels and each level has 4 exercises of gymnastics: Floor, balance beam, asymmetric bars and vault.

All our students need to accomplish the objectives of each level to step to the next; for this we created a team of professionals that develops a methodological and structured process, to guide and teach the best.

Gymnastics course.


2016 - Levels 0-4

How do we do it ?

We developed a program divided in 4 level. Every children practice exercises depending on their level.

Each level has four tools that help practicing and develop exercises:

Gimnasia artistica

In addition to the benefits generated by exercise in the physical area of their body, girls develop five very important functions for their cognitive process:









Greater coordination


Femenine - Masculine

Basic Level

Monday and Wednesday: 5:30 a 7:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 a 10:30 am (children under 8 years)

Saturday: 10:30 a 12:00 pm (children over 8 years)

Advanced Level

Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 a 7:30 pm 

Saturday: 9:00 a 10:30 am (group 1)

Saturday: 10:30 a 12:00 pm (group 2)

Ask for more information

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Calle 93B No. 18-62

Tel: 571- 218 7497   /    571-691-2416

Cel. 316 4109806



Parent-Baby Gymnastics -     9:00am - 03:30 pm

Pre-Sport  -       3:30pm - 5:30pm

Gymnastics    5:30pm - 7:30pm



Gymnastics    9:00 - 12.00pm




Calle 93B No. 18-62

Tel: 571- 218 7497
Tel: 571-691-2416

Mobile: 316 4109806

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